Taste and See that the Lord is GOOD! Ps. 34:8a

Taste and See that the Lord is GOOD! Ps. 34:8a


Smith Wigglesworth 

“The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists. . . . It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one’s spiritual attainments. . . . God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.”


Fear Resistant (Clothed for Winter)

A 94 Day Devotional 

Fear is a problem, but it is not too big of a problem for you, not if you will do something about it. It has been allowed in our lives for too long. As long as we allow it to remain, it can and will progressively accomplish its purpose, a purpose that promotes Satan’s agenda to steal, kill, and even destroy us. 

There are ways we can prepare for fear. In the manner one prepares to face the elements of rain and snow, one can put on proper spiritual clothing, practicing truths that protect you from what should not be overlooked as not being dangerous. Fear is dangerous, and if you are to enjoy the life God plans for you to live, you can’t choose to let it remain. 

Patricia demonstrates ways one can live fear resistant, dependent upon God, and absolutely victorious.

This book will help you obey God’s instructions found in Deuteronomy 31:6.

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Cost - $26.00 plus shipping + handling

THE FELLOWSHIP (A Weekly Devotional)

Jesus has invited all people everywhere to join The Fellowship. His desire is not just for us to have and enjoy a good relationship with Him: He wants us to have and enjoy a good relationship with each other. The largest fraternity on earth belongs to a kingdom not of this world - The Kingdom of God. We are connected through our love and devotion to Jesus. The same Spirit that abides in my "brother" down the road and across the sea is the same Spirit that abides in me.

To become a part of this great family of God we gave our lives to Jesus. Our Heavenly Father expects us to give our lives for each other as well. (See 1 Jn. 3:16) This Fellowship God has given us should be a priority to all Christians. Unfortunately, The Church largely neglects each other, and in so doing, The Church often misses out on many of the benefits God intends for her to walk in. God wants all Christians everywhere to be involved in each other’s lives. He wants us to go to church. He wants us to serve each other. 

This book will give you Scripture after Scripture to back up these sentiments. It is the author's hope that this book will feed the faith you need to not only start or continue attending church services, but to also reach out to other believers and invite them to do life with you. The absolute truth is that we are better together. WE NEED EACH OTHER!

Click here to hear Patricia read the introduction and one of the devotions! Feast on the Scripture that inspired the book.

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Cost - $11.00 plus shipping + handling

The Fellowship II

Zeal for what consumed Jesus? Zeal, or passion, for His Father’s house. I believe that Jesus is still very passionate about His Father’s house. The Church (that is all who live consecrated to Him) is who He lives, breathes, and day dreams about. God absolutely loves us. He wants to be around us, all of us, and while He loves the individual time He gets to enjoy with each of us, He wants to gather us together, He wants to unite us, He wants His body (with all the variety of gifts He’s given us) to bring our uniqueness into harmony with one another. He wants to put our talents to work as they were intended to, in symphony with one another: each of us working together as a whole to do what we cannot do alone, to promote His will, to fulfill His purposes.

The Fellowship II was written much like the first one, to continue to feed our spirits with the truths that we need each other, we need to meet together and work together. We need to have love one for another. 

Unlike the first book, The Fellowship II has within its pages a study Patricia did on the subject of love. For this study alone, this book is worth adding to your collection. We’ve been given our Father’s nature—LOVE. If we will develop and display that love in our lives, we will become a people who (like God) never fails. Loving like God isn’t easy, but because of grace and through faith it is possible. And the benefits of doing so are enormous!

God calls Himself love. If, through the knowledge of God, we can multiply God’s grace and peace in our lives (and we can), then through the knowledge of love we can multiply grace and peace in our lives. In learning about love, you will learn about your Heavenly Father, and you will learn about yourself—about who you were created to be.

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Cost - $17.00 plus shipping + handling

Charles Spurgeon

“Have your heart right with Christ and He will visit you often, and so turn weekdays into Sunday’s, meals into sacraments, homes into temples, and earth into heaven.”

The Thanksgiving Table

First Timothy 4:4 and 5 tells us "... every creature is good, and nothing is to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." (KJV) According to this text, it matters to God how we eat. According to this text, we should be receiving food in a specific manner. It is in that manner our food becomes sanctified. That's King James for clean, holy, or consecrated! Receiving our food as God has instructed us to prepares it for our consumption: receiving food with thanksgiving just makes it healthier to eat! Eating food that hasn't been set aside for God's good plans for our lives just doesn't sound like a good idea to me. And it doesn't sound like something God approves of. If you want to make sure you are eating in a way that honors the Lord (Who not only created you but also provides for the food you are eating) then I suggest that you read this book!

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Cost - $15.80 plus shipping + handling