Taste and See that the Lord is GOOD! Ps. 34:8a

Taste and See that the Lord is GOOD! Ps. 34:8a


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A. W. Tozer

“O God, I have tasted thy goodness and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more.”

Jesus is Lord and I am your servant for His sake. (See 2 Cor. 4:5)

Patricia is a Bible teacher who has been spending the last few years both writing and preparing for the new direction God is sending her in. She is in the process of completing multiple books and is looking forward to seeing them all published.

Being a graduate of RHEMA Bible College, Patricia still spends much time feeding on and enjoying Brother Hagin’s books. The teaching she received at RHEMA was priceless. 

While RHEMA established Patricia in many areas, she received much of her spiritual training under Pastors Eddie + Stephanie Trayers. She spent over ten years serving under them in Springfield, Virginia. These two trained her both spiritually and naturally, giving her the opportunity to develop her gifts. Their leadership and guidance prepared her for the ministry she is beginning to walk into.

It is through both their influence and the ministry of Pastor Reggie Scarborough’s (of Lakeland, Florida) that she has picked up a great respect and desire for both the Word of God and the precious Spirit of God. It is from this foundation that she desires to impart both a hunger and a thirst into the hearts of those she ministers to. 

In the words of Kenneth E. Hagin: “The supernatural realm is the realm we were created to live in. Man was brought into being by a miracle-working God. And we will always yearn to see the miracle-working power of God in demonstration. . . . the hunger for the supernatural is in our hearts. If we will seek after God, we can learn to live in the supernatural realm by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.” (Classic Sermons/pgs 259,260)


Patricia's mission is to give people a taste of the Lord's goodness in order to create a hunger and thirst within them for God and His righteousness. (See Ps. 34:8 + Mt. 5:6) She desires to bring people faith, hope, and love. She also desires to bring a refreshing!

While this is her mission, Ephesians 4:13 explains what she is working towards:

"This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ." (NLT)

What steps is Patricia currently taking toward this goal?

She is writing and putting together material that will help train The Church. She has a couple books published and is finishing and editing others. She also would like to begin putting together children’s curriculum based off of the teachings “Ambassador 365” and “The Big Picture,” teachings she has compiled and is working toward publishing. 

While this has been keeping her busy, she has it on her heart to return to her childhood “roots” in Connecticut. There she would like to plant a new church.

Interested in purchasing one of Patricia’s books?

The standard God has set is one we all need to know. It is God’s Word which He declares to be profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. (See 2 Tim 3:16) Unlike others who believe God uses the problems of life to discipline, Patricia recognizes God’s Word is God’s instrument for such purposes. Seeing as that is the case, she is always ready to deliver God’s encouraging message with the strong warnings He provides.

Is it possible to deliver faith, hope, love, and a refreshing, all while training people to do what is right? You tell me. Take the time to read one of Patricia’s books and you tell me.

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